What I write is of the moment: Journal

[At a local diner S____ ] last Friday a.m. — [I] somehow was in a great perspective. Not sure I even recall it exactly, but it was mindful, but more-so. I was noticing unique things, like how the smoke from cigarette was visible for a long time as it floated around the room —

But now I do recall part of it: my feeling that words were superfluous, or something. I remember not wanting to read the paper I bought because reading would be less than mindful. God, I want to go back there for breakfast again, maybe tomorrow, though M and I are talking going to Chicago Art Museum one of these days —

Maybe the mindset was partly this: that words distract from what is right around us, right here. Just a couple moments ago, had this feeling — how language, with its nouns and verbs, its names and actions, is a shorthand. I said I saw “smoke” — well, that doesn’t really begin to describe what I perceived — my sense-data. “Smoke” is a shorthand and so is “floated” — that’s the best word I could come up with to describe what I saw it “doing.” Well, one thing, it wasn’t “doing” anything from a physical perspective. It was simply there, being acted upon by other atoms and light energy such that it moved this way and that and I observe such —

This wasn’t exactly what I was thinking, but that’s OK — it’s always new. What I write is of the moment.

I was thinking more about the slipperiness of language — “I read what I read” — but it put me in a neat place, I had a neat experience — in the moment, “Satori at the S___.”

(A few minutes later) Maybe what’s most interesting about the idea that led me to mindful state is not the idea itself but the fact that it led me to mindfulness — almost like a koan.

The idea that we each/all so much of the time live in this narrative that isn’t real — that idea led me away from the narrative and away from talking, away from words themselves, and toward paying attention to the moment, to what’s going on around me — to the “smoke” rising in the room, something I hadn’t even noticed before! There’s always more to notice! What shall I observe today?! (though don’t get unmindful in my seeking the new)

[From journal of Mon., 12 April 2004, J35, p. 125-127. First daily journal of 20 years and more of daily journaling.]

Writing things I’d like to write: Journal

I noticed the long row of notebooks on the shelf — I really have written a lot! That is, I really have been doing the practice all along, just like a golf pro — but my achievements aren’t merely in beating someone else but in just writing, in saying things, writing things I’d like to write, going thru the process — and yes, I enjoy the process.

[From journal of 11 April 2004, Easter Sunday evening. Journal 35, page 118]

[Read this with a fork:]: Poem

[Read this with a fork:]

Domain is futile


Dave has yet to see


(for a second) and he’s 

charged with murder

(humiliatingly stupid). 

Ouch, he said

We’rected large red signs,

baked cookies,

billiards, and foosball. 

More missile tests

can be responsible for many

and we talked to her, 

a pot-bellied German.

[Poem originally made 2010, edited 16 Feb. 2024]

I wrote that I like having downtime: Nonfic

The freewrite below is a second freewrite, done after this first freewrite. It also led to this story, a successive draft.

I wrote that I like having downtime. Let’s freewrite about downtimes – I mean, yeah, downtimes – what IS it that I like about downtimes? I like not having to be on, engaged – I see lots of things in my life that I have to do and I look forward to them/I’m aware when I have things to do – and if they’re coming up in a few days then I start to stress about them and I think/obsess about them and so I like to have downtimes in which I can let go the stresses. So, this morning’s drive to work was a downtime (Maybe it’s hard to write an essay about a downtime in that they tend not to be fully of action, downtimes?) I mean, maybe how one spends freetime tells you more about/reveals more about a person than how they act during an action scene tells? I don’t know … I mean, I’m just now thinking about how I nearly got in a wreck in Palo Alto and then I felt the dread of driving around in a rented car – but it’s not a rented life, My wife said (back in, what, 2015?) I was just a kid then! (of 41!) Down times … times I sit on benches and write about things I see – outside that office where my wife was getting … outside Edgebrook Center in Rockford. That time I sat at end of Lake Geneva and listed to people walk by. Where did I sit and listen this year? this summer? Village Bakery in Oregon. On my drive this morning, I sit back and accept that the person in car ahead of me drives moderately slow – and, yeah, downtime reminds me that I’m alive – (there’s a phrase of long-I sounds – I told this class not to TRY too hard to be poetic – but as they freewrite, if a poetic word sound mix comes to mind, use that – put it on paper) – and so, yeah, a good teacher can turn anything into (can abstract any experience into) a lesson – and what are other specific times of downtime? I mean, over the summer? I walked thru that eucalyptus forest at Palo Alto. That’s … I mean, I sat at the Jamba Juice and wrote about the French-speaking lady further down sidewalk, talking on phone and holding one foot flat against the building – a one-legged stand-up. And on airplane – even my downtimes lately seem to go by quickly – in the sense that, well, maybe it’s because I’ve got stress on brain, about my mom in nursing home and at the property – about the property. Let’s talk, actually, about being with my mom at her memory care/nursing home unit. (and how I worry sometimes about being trapped there! Of course, no one who works there is all that interested in keeping an able-bodied person there – they don’t need that kind of additional work!) (So I guess that if I ever end up there, I deserve to be there – need to be there) I’ve felt a bit of irrational fear of getting stuck there in the memory care unit, and I’ve had a somewhat more rational fear of ending up in memory care in another 20 or so years. (a lifetime goes by so fast – except when it’s not going by fast at all!) BUT, I’ve also liked just sitting there with mom. I mean, there’s not a lot going on. Actually, my mom, in her angst and agitation, seems less able to be calm and have downtime there than I am – and that’s the tragedy of her illness, of course – that she has plenty of time but no ability to control herself. Her time weighs on her – it’s suffering for her (maybe not all the time, but some of her time.) So, pick one time I was there – last Tues., maybe. How I sat next to mom and we paged thru some 1940s-pictures magazines – she’s younger than most others there so that magazine doesn’t even fit her. And how hard it was for her to eat, for me to direct her to eat – she took some direction but not that much … and yet, I wasn’t really stressed about things – I just sat there. I maybe thought, before visiting mom there, that the stafff would be more uptight about what I was doing but mostly they seem to appreciate family being there. … That grumpy lady across from mom got moved. Mom wanted, suddenly, to go to the bathroom. She seemed more walksy after that …

[Freewrite of 23 Aug. 2023]

I’ve learned so much that I’m not sure what I’ve learned, if that makes sense and it doesn’t have to

OH, man, my last year has been pretty busy – I was gonna say something a character – oh, yeah, it’s Amber Ruffin [who] started every segment reviewing a week by calling it “crazy” in a crazy-sounding voice. So, yeah, a year ago, I was … well, I was helping my mom with her bills as she was having computer troubles, but I was … well, I wasn’t in charge of her property, as I am now. Stuff hit the fan last Nov. and then my mom and stepdad got moved out of their house and now I take care of it. And my dog got old and his legs stopped working and he made poop and pee messes in the house and I felt bad about putting him down but that’s what I did – maybe he could’ve lived a few more months than he did, but he didn’t seem to be enjoying life all that much  – doesn’t sound great as a reason, but, well, I didn’t want my dog to suffer, either. He did live about 14.5 years. Mr. W___ told me this morning about his Aussie Shepherd being hyper, needing to run, to herd. Teaching – well, yes, it seems weird that I did a 180 or so days of that last year, but I guess I did. I have a whole lot of journals listing a whole lot of details and no, the details don’t entirely add up to a story, but … well, life IS just details anyway. So my wife and I went to Palo Alto last summer, and to nearby Aptos the year before and they were not far apart but they were quite different places, you know – and the money, oh the money – woof. 3 million dollars for a MEDIAN house sale – media and median, middle – is “media” related by root-word to “median”? And so what else? I gave myself more haircuts with the electro-clippers. I read more of the Defector website and I checked local news on Mystateline.com, and Ogle Sheriff page and also Obits, I looked for obits and saw/found out that several people had died – some old, some not so old – a former student of mine and a former classmate of mine – and, yeah. … So, I’m being a little general. I mean, I’ve learned so much this last year – about care, about being around my mom, about … well, a lot of things – I’ve learned so much that I’m not sure what I’ve learned, if that makes sense and it doesn’t have to – I hear a voice that sounds like Mr. F___’s but he’s gone over a year now – and so Mr. W___’s retiring after this year and Mr. Dr. P____ but also I’ll be here a while longer and I’m glad of that, you know? I mean, I had a good day – I was kinda clag to be back .. .glad to be back … blad to be glack – bad to be glack – maybe I talk spoonerisms tomorrow in CW classes …? And yeah, let’s break up the CW classes a little more, I mean, the units in CW classes – and what boring things I did last year – I told one class yesterday that I liked having … downtime, waiting areas at doc offices.

[Freewrite for a personal narrative, 17 Aug. 2023]

The sky is traveling to her house: Exquisite Corpse poems Spring 2024

Exquisite Corpse poems by M. Hagelmann and his creative writing students.

Home is where the heart beat is.

I want McDonald’s right now but who keeps her alive or dead?

An expression can show a lot to lose in today’s day. 

With careful consideration, I chose to not do my thoughts.

My thoughts are many, but we keep pushing through the dark, ugly swamp. 

Home is where I have cheese. 

Peanut butter: with it comes great responsibility. 

Do you know about the undeniable book of stories?

Truth be told, I like the strangest concept yet.

I need the stars to shine-scream falling from sun. 

The sharp corner crashed the new Benz because I drove off the hill’s peak and what’s down comes up. 

I have to live life entirely unobserved.

Unobserved, she ran home to create a new perspective.

Tortilla chips are the champions of the way you react.

Said the sun to the elbows: chocolate bar, cold-hearted lizard skin is there.

Is there anything here and there?

I don’t go chasing electrified butterflies, and all the worms poop dirt in the end. 

The hatchet with food is very yumerific yummy. 

Change your mindset to succeed like a cute whale.

Animals are better than people need to be. 

An apple a day, keep the light on for desk lighting.

Work makes me really sleepy and Dopey, and Doc-tor Pepper is good people.

My intuition tells me that I really have to generate thoughts of adoration for the new dog.

Rappers were freestyling to the cat in the hat. 

South and the North are ghosts.

I’ve grown 10-feet-tall men without any sense.

Enemies make you question morals.

Have me play at the McDonald’s playplace. 

The restaurant is the ultimate weapon. 

Oceans 11 is a movie with human guinea pigs. 

I love to eat the beauty of being nothing for you here.

Antique store on the corner is associated with four words in the sentence.

My right foot got cut off at the Internet.

Any person will know that insidious feeling that festers.

The moon shines bright in the deep hearth of all the colors.

Now the art has shapes.

Bad bones stop blood flow.

How dare you are not who I really like!

Every time I play with your little brother, how can you help?

Fame is the way that you can climb up to the top of the fridge where the bodies lay down. 

Life is what you make bread.

Rain is a good think. 

Importance is key to people.

Intelligent people are perfect lies.

Lies lay with lying Lycanthropes, or whatever.

Words can’t explain the time.

A starts off the alphabet.

The alphabet has 25 letters yesterday.

The best meat is served rare and very mythical. 

The way I feel: Is my name real?

Is this what I don’t want, a pencil?

Valentines Day: perfect for not going to the person I don’t like.

Basketball is truly about balls.

Breathe for me, please; don’t interrupt this presentation.

Snow is stupid, white, slick little kitty cat fast.

Force people to become one more big burrito please. 

Some animal is the arctic fox.

A lot of people really need for love to survive.

Caveman furniture is just rocks in the sand box.

Home is an unfamiliar house in Nebraska.

This is going on; it’s going on, going to the river, and with that, the story. 

The soul’s sand hand thought, “pig forage orange porridge storage.”

Majestic butter is given with what is found vintage.

Celebrities always show off skills that go beyond humans.

Now we all decide to the sound of water wind through cherry blossoms-pink pants made from silk. 

The sink is leaking bubbly red lava and I watch the sunset, please.

I can’t decide lies, truths, and lies from the water.

Burning the toast isn’t skillful, but we see now future children.

Moose was sad. That will not stop them.

Once upon a time, ew, I don’t like that.

Time is a weird thing you’re.

Keeping secrets are made promises.

The children left this behind me: you.

The night sky was blue-red waterfall.

Money save, remember save: the turtle now everyone is.

Boring classes are never fun and creepy.

It’s cold outside and now.

Try and see where you can’t sit with us.

To be young, experience new things for enjoyment.

Bird finds large pieces of the Ninja Turtles’ Raphael.

Game surreal life.

The sky is traveling to her house.

Gates made out of gold fold.

The rest of the night, she wanted a pet hippo.

Write everyday inspiration.

Glare into the sky with that shirt.

28 years I have spent at the club, trying.

Happen to everyone.

Flowers groom bride.

Woman, last night I was sleeping your hair.

The last game, H___ won the game because it was easy, also because no class is not gonna win wipeout show.

This is math: kindness, annoying.

Bacon smells good like a dog.

Jaded eagles miss shrieking: Poem by creative translation

Jaded eagles miss shrieking. Under denim, where I am, 

amusing are the fast toddler eunuchs. Vocal steel 

whizzes on clock. Wearing sandy togas, Tobias

does straddle witness stands and enforces housetalk;

surf rises for Venice elitists under some fruitbar nightmare.

Yodeling after yodeling, our neglected hallelujah!

Trade the ermine jet seats, garlic farts, hinterlands Sterno 

to some surefooted needler with headwarts. Hack off

some legend’s earfold; it’ll hurt: verify.

[My January 2010 creative translation — a technique I recall reading that John Ashbery taught — of Rilke’s “Die Zweite Elegie”]

It’s really the cranium: Poem

It’s really the cranium 

that bites so hard

on plastic forks

at grandma’s 85th birthday

reception: the mandible’s 

merely the antagonist.

[Written Spring 2010.]

do you know my height: Poem

do you know my 

height? weight?

does it matter?

matter’s made from 

other matter, but

words are like a baby – 


I pick out my 

first thought to pop 

in my past life


was there a point 

to the sale we 

had? of


on a big piece of 


[Written by Matt Hagelmann from a class’s Exquisite Corpse, Jan. 2010]

You’re me: Poem

You’re me,

in my vain body and

its vein of sorrow.

The rising cold 

of brilliant windows

renders darkness old.

Outside, crows acquire 

flame laws.

That wandering regime 

will own your heroes.

Reverse your turn.

[Written 11 March 2020 via poetry bingo editing.]