No wonder I want to f*ck with titles — it’s the midcentury cartoon sensibility

8:34 a.m. phone time — I watched Warner Bros. cartoons today: Some 1980s abomination (maybe semiconsciously used this word because the monster’s name — though I’d been thinking of him as “yeti,” not “abom”) featuring Bugs, Marvin, and Abominable Snowman, and A.S. frisbees Bugs back to Earth. And then “Dog Gone Cats” (1947) — Sylvester and another cat torment a dog (Wellington Dog), and then “Screwball Football” (airdate 16 Dec. 1939, says, a Fred (“Tex”) Avery short. Sylvester cat’s first appearance is apparently in 1945, in “Life with Feathers” (a reference to “Life with Father”? No wonder I want to f*ck with titles — it’s the midcentury cartoon sensibility — like how I saw the prom theme [at my high school this year] of “A Night of Elegance” and thought, “A Night of Flatulence”).

[From journal of Sat., 6 April 2024, Journal 385, pg. 83]

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